Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thank You Cards…

Just wanted to share the latest cards that I made for Thank You’s for the holidays. Some of you will be seeing these in the mail shortly! I sure enjoy making them and wish I had more time to gather with friends and family to do scrapbooking and card-making.

Without further ado I give you these—by the way, you can click on an image to see it bigger:

Most of the tools I use are papers from K&Company, based out of Kansas City. I have a sneaky suspicion that they are former Hallmark designers. But that’s just my theory. Apparently, most scrapbook companies are founded out of Salt Lake City, Utah where there is a large Morman population. Their faith holds family history in high priority and scrapbooking is just one of the ways they use to document it. The “thanks” punch is from Around the Block.

I make most of the embellishments myself—cutting the shapes out of the paper. I don’t really like to buy embellishments, because I know that I can make them. However, I did buy the little lanterns for the chinese lanters cards, but made the larger ones. My favorite embellishments are ribbons, though I have little of those in these cards. I’ve been playing around with wire additions to my latest round of cards, but it takes forever to glue. I always use plain old Elmer’s Glue-All.

I have two goals in my illustration career. First, is to create illustrations for a Scrapbook company. K&Company is high on my list. Guess I’ve got to just throw them some designs and see if any stick. Second is my loft goal of working with Pixar. I watched a documentry last night on the founding of that studio and it reignited my dream.


Arabian Acres said...

Those are soooo cute! Great job Kerrie. Hey, if I run into that seed guy in the Flower Bin again that wanted your portfolio info, do you want me to talk to him again????

Arabian Acres said...

Kerrie, I love the card with the little ornaments on it. I was curious, do you do cards for people if they wanted to buy them?