Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So, in case some of you thought I was off my rocker with my last post, here's the back story. While working at "The Puzzle Company," my coworkers and I were discussing movies and at one point someone said, "there is only one trilogy." And I piped up, "Yeah, Jurassic Park!" I do like the movies, as I really like dinosaurs, but c'mon—they're kind of goofy.

Anyway, one particular coworker would randomly play the Jurassic Park theme for me to hear and ultimately it was revealed that I breed raptors. We would even sneak in raptors into puzzle boxes on occasion for our Creative Director to find.* I would discuss at times that I would photograph them and reveal my plot to reintroduce these magnificent (albeit extinct) animals to the world again. Then last week, said coworker snuck it in again—the Jurassic Park theme. Do de do do dooo, do dee do do doo… It just had to be done.

So now you know the rest of the story.

*No, this did not take a lot of time and before anyone asks, I never missed a deadline and always worked long hours.


Arabian Acres said...

No, I actually thought you were raising dinosaurs and were going to send them to Carson since he loves them so much! ;) Love the illustrations, you aren't going to tell me you didn't do those are you?

kerrie said...

…um, which illustrations?

Arabian Acres said...

The ones on the story of the raptors!

Mountain Mama said...

What!?! No real raptors?

I'm so sad. Now who's gonna play with my wild space monkeys?