I have what you could call—a brown thumb. Most of my plants either die by under watering/over watering/too much plant food (oops!) or just plain old neglect. Much of that stemmed (hoo ha; did you get that pun?) from the fact that I used to work at the office about 50-60 hours a week. No way did I have any desire to do much of anything after getting home.
But, here it is—proof that my little planting experiment is working. Now I just hope that I have not started these woefully late. But, with the long growing season out here I'm not that worried. That's the blessing of living in Southern Arizona.
My experiment consisted of:
- Using old natural no additives dirt put into recycled paper cups
- Placing seeds, then adding more dirt
- Marking all cups with a Sharpie marker so I knew what I was looking at
- Placing all cups onto cookie sheets
- Shooing away the cats now and again; no this is not catnip
- Watering cups any time I notice the tops are dry
- Two types of tomatoes
- Tomatillos
- Jalapeños
- Annaheim peppers
- Peaches and Cream corn
- Silver corn
- Summer squash
- Zucchini
Now you KNOW I am thrilled that you are doing this. Your plants look great. Mine are hanging on today with the SNOW, ummmm yes, a fun little thing to wake up to this morning but I think they will be ok. It's a warm snow if there is such a thing. :)
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